
This section is for me to get down my own ideas. Not sure they’re strong enough to put on the front page, but I wanted to get them down anyway. (Am trying to keep the Home page for really outstanding quotes.)

On Sydney city culture:

“Scowl is the new hello.”
(Not sure about you, but I notice young folk these days are adopting the look they’re seeing in fashion magazines and projecting it in real life. It may look cool in 2D but in person it’s pretty ugly.)

On improving city environments:

“Build more roads and you’ll get more cars, build more cycling infrastructure and you’ll get more bicycles.”
(And healthier people, more lively cities, less pollution, less traffic jams …. It’s a no-brainer.)

“The best single thing you can do for the environment if you live in a city is ride a bike.”

On surfing:

These are my rules of surfing (and things the ocean has taught me about life) –

“He who hesitates is lost.”
(Especially when taking off.)

“To catch big waves, head out the back.”
(To deeper water. Actually, if you don’t, sooner or later a big set is going smash you. Don’t get caught in the impact zone.)

“You’ll never never know, if you never never go.”
(If the conditions are bad, jumping in the ocean for a swim or a surf is always good. Except when it’s polluted.)

On humility:

“You can’t have everything you want. But you can make the best of what you have.”

On hitting brickwalls:

Here’s a personal favourite. Actually, it’s not by me, it’s by my Mum. Try it yourself when things aren’t going so well. It really works.

Insert your own name. And say the whole thing to yourself, sternly –

“For goodness sake Philip, just get on with it.”

More about my Mum Joan Stubbs.

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